Modern plant-based formulas vs. Ayurveda for acne care

If you’re dealing with a brand-new pimple before the old ones have healed, it’s natural to question your skincare choices. Is your complexion reacting to standard anti-acne chemicals like salicylic acid and benzoyl peroxide? Can plant-based skincare save your acne-prone skin?

Say, you decide to take the plant-based route. The next step is selecting the right plant-based skincare plan for your complexion. Will it be the centuries-old tradition of Ayurveda? Or do you prefer science-backed formulas like Clearica?

But before you make that choice, it’s essential to figure out what is causing your pimples.


Why are you breaking out?

Acne problems start when the pores get blocked. This happens if:

  1. the oil glands produce too much sebum.
  2. dead skin cells are not shed effectively.
  3. dirt, sebum, and dead skin cells accumulate in the pores.

When the pores get clogged, whiteheads and blackheads begin to form. Pore build-up causes acne bacteria to multiply, which may lead to papules and pus-filled pustules. In severe cases, painful cysts and nodules appear.


How Ayurveda views acne

Ayurveda originated in ancient India but has moved into contemporary times with an array of herbal formulations and skin treatments. This school of traditional medicine views skin ailments as impairments of three life forces or ‘doshas’:

  • vata (wind),
  • pitta (fire), and
  • kapha (water and earth).

Here’s a quick run-through of how the doshas are believed to affect the skin:

  • Dominant vata dosha: This results in rough and dry skin that wrinkles easily. Excessive shedding of dead skin is another symptom.
  • Dominant pitta dosha: This is associated with oily skin and issues like acne and rosacea.
  • Dominant kapha dosha: This manifests in cold, oily skin as well as whiteheads and pimples.
  • Dominant pitta and kapha doshas: This is tied to the overproduction of sebum.
  • Impairments in all three doshas: Inflammatory acne is a common sign that all three doshas are out of balance.


Ayurvedic treatments for acne at home

Whether you choose an Ayurvedic product at the supermarket or DIY an Ayurvedic home remedy for acne, some ingredients turn up again and again. Take a look at some of the high-performers: 


  • Neem leaves are often used to combat red, itchy, and inflamed pimples. Neem oil is considered useful against whiteheads and pus-filled acne.
  • Tulsi leaves promote quick healing of acne and other blemishes. 
  • Amla reduces sebum levels, fights bacteria, and minimises acne-related scarring.
  • Honey is often used to spot treat active pimples and scars.
  • Turmeric is a trusted acne remedy thanks to its antibacterial, antifungal, and antiallergenic properties.
  • Aloe vera brings down acne-related inflammation and moisturises the skin.

(Check our guide to plant-based vs. natural skincare)


Ayurveda vs. modern plant-based skincare

There is plenty of anecdotal evidence regarding Ayurveda’s efficacy in treating acne. However, plant-based formulas that are grounded in modern scientific techniques may have an edge in acne care. Here’s why:

  • Skincare should be simple.

The Ayurvedic science of the doshas is complex. Seasonal changes and hormonal fluctuations affect dosha levels, and sometimes the underlying issues aren’t all that clear. Laypersons could struggle to pinpoint the right treatment plan unless they have guidance from an Ayurvedic practitioner.

Skincare gets easier with plant-based formulas like Clearica Anti-Acne Cream. Available over the counter (OTC), the lightweight cream is a one-stop solution to acne and its symptoms. Our scientists do the research so that you won’t have to.


  • Good skin shouldn’t take forever.

Yes, Ayurvedic skincare takes time. And yes, there are no quick fixes for acne-prone skin. But if your Ayurvedic formulas show not even tiny improvements within a few weeks, then the remedies may not be working. Since Ayurvedic formulas are often not standardised, it could be that the ingredients are just not potent enough.

When you choose plant-based skincare that’s formulated in a lab, potency won’t be an issue. Modern science supercharges natural sources, ensuring that only powerful plant actives are used in the formulations.


  • Acne care should be safe.

Many of the herbal formulations used in Ayurveda may not be safe for everyone. Individual ingredients could interact with medication that you may be taking. They may also have adverse effects on pregnant or nursing mothers and people with certain health issues.

New-age plant-based formulas like the Clearica Anti-Acne Cleanser and Anti-Acne Cream bypass these concerns. They can be safely used by anyone who has acne, regardless of their skin type or the state of their doshas.



Plant-based formulas may well be the answer to your acne woes. Old-school options like Ayurveda could certainly help, but don’t jump in blindly without an expert to guide you. If you prefer a DIY approach, gentle plant-based products that are backed by science may offer an easier and more effective solution.








Disclaimer: This page is for educational and informational purposes only. It is not intended as a recommendation or for diagnostic purposes. Please consult your dermatologist or doctor before acting on any of the information provided here.